

2023第十五屆國際學術研討會 中臺科技大學 護理學院

2023, The 15th International Academic Conference 

College of Nursing Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology (CTUST)


Transdisciplinary Long-Term Care

中臺科技大學第十五屆國際學術研討會將於202363日星期六舉行。本次以「後疫情時代跨域長期照護」為主題,邀請國內外學者專家進行專題演講。後疫情時代長期照護系統韌性造就照顧新局面,從健康照顧服務產業的創新發展、安全環境、智能隨身照護提昇、實證導向的全人照顧,及其未來趨勢等多面向議題, 歡迎國內外學者專家踴躍參與共襄盛舉,帶入長照新知,激盪出更多的創新思維。

The 15th International Academic Conference from Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023. The Conference them is “Transdisciplinary Long-Term Care After Pandemic Era.”Domestic and foreign scholars and experts will be invited to give keynote speeches. Resilience of long-term care systems in post-epidemic era creates a new landscape of care that include Innovation in the health care industry; Safe of environment; Enhancement of intelligent portable care; and Future trends and other multi-faceted issues. We sincerely invite scholars and experts to participate in this event. We look forward to bringing in new knowledge of long-term care and stimulating more innovative ideas.

  1. 時間 ( Date )


Saturday, 3rd June, 2023

  1. 地點 ( Venue)

中臺科技大學 勤學樓 B1國際會議廳    (詳見中臺校園平面圖)


International Conference Room, B1F, Chin Hsueh  Building, CTUST (See the Campus Map)

No.666, Buzih Road, Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan, Republic of China

  1. 徵選研究論文發表 ( Call for Papers  )


On 3th June, accepted oral and poster presentations will be held at the conference venue.

  1. 主辦 (Organised by)

中臺科技大學 護理學院(College of Nursing,CTUST)

中臺科技大學老人照顧(Department of Eldercare, Nursing College, CTUST)

中臺科技大學護理系(Department of Nursing, Nursing College, CTUST)

彰化基督教醫療財團法人彰化基督教醫院  (Chung Hua Christian Hospital)

台中慈濟醫院(Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital)

  1.  協辦 (In collaboration with; listed by alphabetical order)

         中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會(Taiwan Union of Nurses Association, TUNA)

    秀傳醫療社團法人秀傳紀念醫院(Show Chwan Memorial Hospital)

    財團法人佳醫健康基金會(Exceisior Health Foundation)

    青松健康股份有限公司(Qingsong Health Co., Ltd.)

  1. 繼續教育課程認證 (Continuous Education Credits)


Conference Attendance Certificate be dedicated to all attendees, as well as CE hours be credited to Registered Nurses / Nurse Practitioners, Long-term care providers.

  1. 會議語言 (Language used)


Both Chinese and English are used for communication.

  1. 報名 (Registration)


統一採線上報名 ,網址:https://forms.gle/Q2ScnQvbXRCrRg3f7


Due date of registration:  15th May 2023 (Fri.)

Online Registration only; the web-link of registration: https://forms.gle/Q2ScnQvbXRCrRg3f7

No on-site registration available

  1. 報名費用 (Registration Fees)  


  • 一般價為新台幣1,500元。
  • 早鳥優惠價為新台幣1000元,需於202351(星期一)前完成報名及繳費
  • 中臺學生優惠價為新台幣1000元,報名時需檢附學生證,並在2023515完成報名及繳費。


台北富邦銀行 公益分行










    ◎Registration Fees explained:Regular fees: NT$1,500

   Early bird fees: NT$1000; Must be registered and paid before 1st May.

   Discount fees for CTUST students: NT$1000; Must be registered with the Student ID Card and paid before 15st May.

   Payee’s Bank Name: 台北富邦銀行 公益分行

   (Gongyi Branch, Taipei Fubon Bank)

   Payee’s Account Number00601001440501

   Payee’s Account Name: 中臺科技大學

    (Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology)

   Remittance time: 112/3/1-112/5/15

   For individual registration remittance, please indicateThe name of the applicant +international seminar registration fee in the remarks

   For group registration remittance, please indicate group (unit) name + international seminar registration fee in the remarksIf you need a personal receipt, please write E-Mail to the Department of Eldercare, Central-Taiwan University of Science and Technology: q0105@gtrial.ctust.edu.tw

   Sponsor/co-organizer unit remittance, please indicate Name of Employer + International Seminar

   If you need a donation receipt, please contact the Eldercare Department of the school to fill in the donation form.

   For ATM transfer, please upload the remittance certificate to the registration form within 2 days after the transfer .https://forms.gle/Q2ScnQvbXRCrRg3f7

  Parking Fees: NT$50/day (Cash to be paid while parking)

  1. 退費事宜 (Refund/ Withdrawal )

若因故欲取消報名者,請於原訂研討會十天前(2023524日前) 至email:108347@ctust.edu.tw申請退費(逾期恕不受理),我們將保留30%的手續費,並於原訂研討會舉辦日期後統一辦理退費,約需一個月工作天數。

To withdraw from registration because of any unexpected reasons, please ask for a refund by emailing to 108347@ctust.edu.tw (No refund will be given after the due date of 24th May 2023). 30% of registration fees will be deducted as a handling charge. The refund will be received within one month of working days after the conference date.

 11.徵選研究論文發表 (Call for Papers)


Abstract in English can be submitted.  A certificate will be dedicated to the author(s) after the submitted paper being successfully accepted from anonymous reviews.

  1. 主題 ( Topic of Papers)


-健康照顧服務產業創新發展 (Health Innovation)

-安全環境 (Safe Environment)

-智能隨身照護提昇 (Smart Care)

-實證導向的全人照顧 (Evidence-Based Comprehensive Care)

-其他 (Others)

Welcome to submit the papers relevant to the following areas:

-  Health Innovation

-  Safe Environment

-  Smart Care

-  Evidence-Based Comprehensive Care

-  Others

 (2) 摘要格式 (Abstract Submission Guideline)

投稿請依大會提供的範本撰寫, 英文摘要詳見【附件: 投稿指引

Please, to submit your English paper based on the Submission Guidelines (See the following Attached Page).

附件:投稿指引   說明投稿英文摘要格式、字體規定及排序等。


  1. 字數限制為500個字 包含副標題 ,所有的摘要可以中文/英文形式呈現。
  2. 版面設定上、下、左、右之邊界均為3公分,一律採用Times New Roman字型、標楷體、單行間距。
  3. 副題與副標題使用14號字、置中、並請勿超過兩行,內文使用12號字。
  4. 必須註明作者姓名、職稱,學歷,所屬單位,使用12號字,以及在摘要最後註明通訊作者的email
  5. 摘要書寫需具備以下副標題:







 (3) 稿件 繳交日期 (Date of Submission)  

僅接受線上投稿,投稿時請註明投稿形式「口頭或海報發表」。請於2023410日下午5點前,以Microsoft Word檔案格式,投稿已截止。

Please, be aware of on-line submission only and indicating your favored presentation type: oral or poster. Your manuscript, prepared by Microsoft WORD (.docx format)

The deadline for abstract submission is 5PM, 10thApril, 2023  GMT+8: Greenwich Mean Time .

 (4)連絡窗口 (Contact )


E-Mail: 108347@ctust.edu.tw電話:04-22391647轉6256王老師


Email 107316@ctust.edu.tw電話:04-22391647轉6261陳老師

For registration or fees enquiry, please, contact:

Email108347@ctust.edu.tw TEL04-22391647  Ext. 6256  Teacher Wang

For submission affairs, please, contact:

Email107316@ctust.edu.tw  TEL.: 04-22391647  Ext.6261  Teacher Chen

 (5) 注意事項 (Notification)

所有的摘要,將由審查委員以無記名方式進行審閱, 審閱過程中將無法得知作者名字或學校/工作地點 ,預計於202351 星期一 email通知代表作者錄取與否,海報發表者請於海報發表時段,至少有一位代表作者在場,以便進行海報發表與觀摩。投稿口頭發表者,經錄取,會個別通知邀請。通過審查錄取者每篇需以1人報名費計並繳費完成,才得以給予刊登及發表證明。

The members of Conference Programme Committee will anonymously review all of the abstracts.Then,the corresponding author will be informed via email about the acceptance or decline of their paper by 1th May(Mon.) 2023.

For poster presentation, the author (or one of the authors) is expected to present beside your poster during the poster sessions, in order to answer conference delegates’ enquiry.

The invitation to an oral presentation will be individually issued to the authors according to the committee’s decision.

 (6)  海報展示論文之尺寸規格:寬 90cm,高 120cm

The size of the poster is limited as:  90cm of width,   120 cm of height.   
